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Muscular System

Annelids- have a "body wall" with long circular mucsles. They usually have bristles on their muscles segaments called (satae) that help them move around.

Arthropods- invertabrate that dont have locomotary cilia there entire life, there exoskelaton is divided into two plates that are controlled by mucsles beneath them.

Amphibians- have an exoskelaton and are vertabrates. with frogs and toads, they have much stronger new legs for leaping. Thats thier fastest form of transportation and basically thier best hunting skill. All amphibians can swim. They typically have webbed feet and good limb muscle to manuveur quickly. Some amphibians have long tongues used for catching prey. This muscle is a great adaptation for survival.

Mollusks- A key muscle is a mullusks that controlles all movement is the foot. The foot moves the creature while doing a lateral flutter kick.

Echinoderms- Echinoderms dont really have much use, they dont really have a muscular system. instead they use thier vascular system. inside an organism there are canals extending to the limbs of the body. The animal distributes internal fluid extending their limbs making them move slowly.

Reptiles- In Urodeles (newts/salamanders) the axile muscles are the most imortant for propulsion. The limbs are weak. The primary propulsine force for movement is the trunk muscles. Reptiles usually have strong jaws for carnivorous hunts, they are almost always good swimmers due to thier tails which also have strong muscle to control movement in water. While the limbs control terrestrial and marble movement.

Humans- Humans have 700 named muscles that can make up half a persons body weights. Smooth muscles in the organs help them actually work and be of use. Muscles help move substances throughout the body. 3 types of muscles- visceral, cordial, skeletal. Visceral is the weakest of all the muscle tissues, it makes organs contract. Cordial muscles are only found in heart pumps. Skeletal muscles- every action preformed by humans are controlled by skeletal muscles. skeletal muscles are usually found on bone, but the tounge is an exception. Skeletal muscles are the strongest in the Human body.

Greetings Earthlings!
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